Source code for icikt.methods

Python Information-Content-Informed Kendall Tau Correlation (ICIKT)
The icikt package provides a Python tool to calculate an
information-content-informed Kendall Tau correlation coefficient between
arrays, while also handling missing values or values which need to be removed.

import sys
import numpy as np
import typing as t
from scipy.stats import mstats_basic
from scipy.stats import distributions

import itertools as it
import multiprocessing

import pyximport

    from . import _kendall_dis
except ImportError:
    from . import kendall_dis_doc as _kendall_dis

[docs]def icikt(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, perspective: str = 'global') -> tuple: """Finds missing values, and replaces them with a value slightly smaller than the minimum between both arrays. :param x: First array of data :param y: Second array of data :param perspective: perspective can be 'local' or 'global'. Default is 'global'. Global includes (NA,NA) pairs in the calculation, while local does not. :return: tuple with correlation, pvalue, and tauMax values """ def countRankTie(ranks: np.ndarray) -> tuple: """Counts rank ties. :param ranks: input array :return: tuple of int sums """ count = np.bincount(ranks).astype('int64', copy=False) count = count[count > 1] return ((count * (count - 1) // 2).sum(), (count * (count - 1.) * (count - 2)).sum(), (count * (count - 1.) * (2 * count + 5)).sum()) def normtestFinish(z: float) -> tuple: """Common code between all the normality-test functions. :param z: z value :return: tuple of z(float) and prob(int or float or None) """ prob = 2 * distributions.norm.sf(np.abs(z)) if z.ndim == 0: z = z[()] return z, prob if perspective == 'local': matchNA = np.logical_and(np.isnan(x), np.isnan(y)) x = x[np.logical_not(matchNA)] y = y[np.logical_not(matchNA)] naReplaceX = np.nanmin(x) - 0.1 naReplaceY = np.nanmin(y) - 0.1 np.nan_to_num(x, copy=False, nan=naReplaceX) np.nan_to_num(y, copy=False, nan=naReplaceY) if x.size != y.size: raise ValueError("All inputs to `kendalltau` must be of the same " f"size, found x-size {x.size} and y-size {y.size}") elif not x.size or not y.size: # Return NaN if arrays are empty return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan size = x.size perm = np.argsort(y) # sort on y and convert y to dense ranks x, y = x[perm], y[perm] y = np.r_[True, y[1:] != y[:-1]].cumsum(dtype=np.intp) # stable sort on x and convert x to dense ranks perm = np.argsort(x, kind='mergesort') x, y = x[perm], y[perm] x = np.r_[True, x[1:] != x[:-1]].cumsum(dtype=np.intp) dis = _kendall_dis.kendall_dis(x, y) # discordant pairs obs = np.r_[True, (x[1:] != x[:-1]) | (y[1:] != y[:-1]), True] cnt = np.diff(np.nonzero(obs)[0]).astype('int64', copy=False) ntie = (cnt * (cnt - 1) // 2).sum() # joint ties xtie, x0, x1 = countRankTie(x) # ties in x, stats ytie, y0, y1 = countRankTie(y) # ties in y, stats tot = (size * (size - 1)) // 2 if xtie == tot or ytie == tot: return np.nan, np.nan, np.nan # Note that tot = con + dis + (xtie - ntie) + (ytie - ntie) + ntie # = con + dis + xtie + ytie - ntie conMinusDis = tot - xtie - ytie + ntie - 2 * dis tau = conMinusDis / np.sqrt((tot - xtie) * (tot - ytie)) conPlusDis = tot - xtie - ytie + ntie tauMax = conPlusDis / np.sqrt((tot - xtie) * (tot - ytie)) # Limit range to fix computational errors tau = min(1., max(-1., tau)) # The p-value calculation is the same for all variants since the p-value # depends only on conMinusDis. if (xtie == 0 and ytie == 0) and (size <= 33 or min(dis, tot - dis) <= 1): method = 'exact' else: method = 'asymptotic' if xtie == 0 and ytie == 0 and method == 'exact': pvalue = mstats_basic._kendall_p_exact(size, tot - dis) elif method == 'asymptotic': # conMinusDis is approx normally distributed with this variance [3]_ m = size * (size - 1.) var = ((m * (2 * size + 5) - x1 - y1) / 18 + (2 * xtie * ytie) / m + x0 * y0 / (9 * m * (size - 2))) zVal = conMinusDis / np.sqrt(var) _, pvalue = normtestFinish(zVal) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown method {method} specified. Use 'auto', " "'exact' or 'asymptotic'.") return tau, pvalue, tauMax
[docs]def iciktArray(dataArray: np.ndarray, globalNA: float or None = 0, perspective: str = 'global', scaleMax: bool = True, diagGood: bool = True, includeOnly: tuple or int or float or None = None) -> tuple: """Calls iciKT to calculate ICI-Kendall-Tau between every combination of columns in the input 2d array, dataArray. Also replaces any instance of the globalNA in the array with np.nan. :param dataArray: 2d array with columns of data to analyze :param globalNA: Optional value to replace with np.nan. Default is 0. :param perspective: perspective can be 'local' or 'global'. Default is 'global'. Global includes (NA,NA) pairs in the calculation, while local does not. :param scaleMax: should everything be scaled compared to the maximum correlation? :param diagGood: should the diagonal entries reflect how many entries in the sample were "good"? :param includeOnly: only run correlations of specified columns/combinations :return: tuple of the output correlations, raw correlations, pvalues, and max tau 2d arrays Future Parameters: featureNA sampleNA """ if globalNA is not None: dataArray.astype('float')[dataArray == globalNA] = np.nan # bool array where the nans are false excludeLoc = np.logical_not(np.isnan(dataArray)) # creating empty output arrays of correct size size = dataArray.shape[1] corrArray, pvalArray, tauMaxArray = np.zeros([size, size]), np.zeros([size, size]), np.zeros([size, size]) # generating all pairwise comparison combinations iPC = it.combinations(range(size), 2) pairwiseComparisons = np.ndarray(shape=(2, (size * (size - 1)) // 2)) count = 0 for i in iPC: pairwiseComparisons[0, count] = i[0] pairwiseComparisons[1, count] = i[1] count = count + 1 if not diagGood: extraComparisons = np.tile(np.arange(size), 2).reshape(2, -1) pairwiseComparisons = np.concatenate((pairwiseComparisons, extraComparisons), axis=1) pairwiseComparisons = pairwiseComparisons.astype(int) # if includeOnly is used and only specific comparisons are wanted, subset pairwiseComparisons if includeOnly is not None: # if one int/float is given, subset to all comparisons including this number if type(includeOnly) in (int, float): include = [i == includeOnly for i in pairwiseComparisons] include = np.logical_or(include[0], include[1]) pairwiseComparisons = pairwiseComparisons[:, include] elif type(includeOnly) == tuple: # if two lists of equal length are given in a tuple, convert to ndarray and set this as the pairwiseComparisons if len(includeOnly) == 2: if len(includeOnly[0]) == len(includeOnly[1]): pairwiseComparisons = np.asarray(includeOnly) else: print("Comparison lists need to be the same size") sys.exit() else: print("Only two lists should be given") sys.exit() # calls iciKT to calculate ICIKendallTau for every combination in product and stores in a list with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool: tempList = pool.starmap(icikt, ((dataArray[:, i[0]], dataArray[:, i[1]], perspective) for i in pairwiseComparisons.T)) # separates+stores the correlation, pvalue, and tauMax data from every combination at the correct # location in the output arrays for i, (corr, pval, taumax) in zip(pairwiseComparisons.T, tempList): corrArray[i[0], i[1]] = corrArray[i[1], i[0]] = corr pvalArray[i[0], i[1]] = pvalArray[i[1], i[0]] = pval tauMaxArray[i[0], i[1]] = tauMaxArray[i[1], i[0]] = taumax if scaleMax: maxCor = np.nanmax(tauMaxArray) outArray = corrArray / maxCor else: outArray = corrArray if diagGood: nGood = np.sum(excludeLoc, axis=0) np.fill_diagonal(outArray, nGood / max(nGood)) return outArray, corrArray, pvalArray, tauMaxArray